2009年12月21日 星期一
Yea... maybe I should really do so...
My blog is never fashion-related, it's just a blog for me to vent personal thoughts and experiences. I am never a very fashionable person, and I know clearly that I like thinking more than shopping. Yet, I must admit that I am a 100% authentic shopaholic who doesn't need a second thought once her targets are locked.
Also I must admit that my styles were very horrible in the past. It wasn't until my boy's presence that I started taking care of what I wear. A typical Sagittarian like me used to think that comfort overrides trends! :)
Gosh...I am giving lectures again and please bear with the boredom of this post. LOL!
Oh Yeah! I am meeting up with my best friend today and we gonna do some "X'mas boyfriend shopping". We gonna buy christmas gifts for our boys together and it has been a long time since we last did some serious shopping together. Thanks to the Winter Solstice, so that my best friend can off work at 4PM (which is like a dream to the PR profession)!
Gonna have English class in a while! Needa work hard for Christmas and New Year shopping! HAHAHA
2009年12月9日 星期三
Finally 24
The intense tummy ache has blown off my hubby's birthday surprises for me as I had stayed at home for the entire day.
I really love this last picture. I can still see the smoke after I blew off the candles! HAHAHA
I'm now a year maturer and older. My hubby told me that he didn't find me as young-looking as I did when he first met me (it actually sounds very logical and normal), but I felt a bit depressed by this... hahaha! Maybe I'm starting to scare that he may dump me one day coz I look too old! HAHAHAH
Although I had been totured by tummy pain, my birthday morning at work was filled with sweetness and warmth. When I stepped into each classroom, I would be welcomed by the birthday song sang by my students! Many of them came up to hug me after singing and I was drowned in the sea of kids! HAHAHA! I could hardly breathe but I do love my students!
Kids never lie, so I could feel their genuine blessings to me.
Thanks again for those who have blessed/texted/called me with birthday blessings. I do love you all!
2009年12月5日 星期六
My friends got me this Strawberry Napoleon from Mimosa. They just know my taste too well!!Again, for those dessert-cravers in Hong Kong, you must try this out!!! This must be one of the best strawberry napoleons in town!
Thank you all!!!!
Thanks for all the laughters, cakes, giggles, presents, food and everything! I am so blessed and glad to have you all in my life! I mean it! I know all of you have been very busy recently, but thanks for sparing a night for coming and arranging everything for me!
Oh yeah, I have dyed my hair back to reddish brown. My mom dyed it for me at home and her hair dying skills was unbelievable! Bye-bye to the notorious "leng mo" (i.e. young models in Hong Kong) hair colour!
Needa go to visit the doctor in a while as I have been sick for 2 days already... Though the medicine did help soothing the symptoms I suffered from, the big evil cup of yummy chocolate I had last night made my throat feels really bad again. The fluctuating weather makes people sick very easily...
Will have a job interview with a marketing firm tomorrow. Still wondering what I should wear for it...Maybe I will pay a visit to H&M or Zara later in the day to look for some more formal outfits.
Obviously, I like manipulating every excuse to treat myself some new clothes! HAHA
(Supre Hoodie & Tank, Cotton On Cardigan, H&M Skirt & Earrings, Random Tights, Diamond Ring from Hubby)
2009年12月2日 星期三
I was stunned when I first saw this picture
I love her hair I love her lips I love her eyes I love her jacket I love her blouse I love her EVERYTHING! I suddenly feel that life is really unfair... There is this group of gifted girls who possess porcelain-like face and perfect long limbs, who can be taken care of by the top make-up artists in the world, and who can make a fortune by walking a few miles during fashion weeks every season... I feel a bit depressed when I look into the mirror and see the exact opposite to these girls everyday! lol!
However, I do believe that being beautiful is not the privilege of the gifted group. Everyone has her own distinct characters that make them special to her loved ones' eyes. We are always trapped in the normative standards of "beauty" and can't help mimicking "stylish icons" out there in the celebrity circles. It is not the rule to being stylish, it's only the rule to be a copycat.
I used to think that I will be beautiful if I can dress like a star. However, the more I study, the more I realize real beauty comes from one's inner self. Never judge a book by its cover.
A little update of myself.
My family is back and now the 5 of us are squished in a hotel apartment that's not even 700 sq ft. My mom has been complaining about how small the apartment is, and how long it takes her to cook for us with only one stove! HAHAHA! However, it's always fun to see my mom being grumpy! HAHAHA!!
Another thing is, it's my random bro's birthday today! My mom and I bought him a PSPgo as birthday present, but he didn't show the slightest level of excitement. Maybe I should have bought him a Prada tote instead (as hinted by him but I didn't get it)! hahahah!
Oh! My mom has finally finished shower! It's my turn now! Woohoo!!
Nice day everyone :)
2009年11月24日 星期二
This was taken outside IFC... mimicking that I got slippd and was about to fall onto the ground right next to the "caution! slippery floor" sign.
2009年11月23日 星期一
Lazy Artsy (2)
Here's a quick update!!
As I haven't taken any worth-posting pictures recently, I decided to put up these stuff I made some times ago (just to fill up the spaces here on the blog! hahaha)
Life has been quite joyful and fulfilling. Non-stop meeting up with friends and families, as well as juggling a few freelances marketing jobs on hand. I feel more like working in marketing than in education, still!
The hectic schedule sometimes makes me more aware of my presence. I can't say that work is my everything, but I really like taking up duties that can fill up my soul and fill up my bank account!
I haven't bought much recently as my savings is undergoing a seriously downward steep slope. I think I should be more careful with money and my own finance. I should stop taking cabs to work!!! (But cabs are just everywhere so I couldn't resist the accessibility...geez)
So... back to the pictures I posted above.
The top one was made ages ago. I like the glossy and disco-ball-like beads and I felt like having a not-so-high-profile necklace back in that time. I know disco balls are usually high profile, but I tried my best to make this necklace. It ended up to be one of my favs coz it can simply go with all outfits.
The second necklace is made on Mid-Autumn Festival, while waiting for my friends' call regarding our celebrations on that night. I had been longing for a super long necklace but I could never find a nice one, so I'd rather make mine.
The last one is a pouch I made for my best friend as birthday pressie. I used this Japanese fabric my mom bought me and I love it soooo much. One imperfection is the handle.... the leather doesn't look like leather and it looks too fragile on the bag... I tried to look for a chain but I couldn't get anything out of shamshuipo the other day...
Anyways, enough talking and sleeping is needed now!! good night everyone! ;)
2009年11月18日 星期三
Hark! Daughters of the Great St. Paul
Back to school with some of my besties for graduation photo-taking. It has been 6 years since I left the school...time flies! I have to admit that we all look a lot maturer, yet we are still the same old us!
I still remember we used to take photos every single day at school and we shamelessly (and endlessly) made the most random poseys in those pictures. One classical picture would be we all rushed into the tuck shop and took photo with the shop owner "Uncle 6". However, I was shocked to know that the tuck shop is now gone and is replaced by a red velvet backdrop for photo-taking (the backdrop in the first pic)... I miss "Uncle 6's" fish balls and instant noodles!!!
Anyhow, congrats to the grad girls and I love you all!!
(Agnes b Scarf, Top from Japan, Cotton On Cardigan, H&M Pants, Marks & Spencer Booties)
2009年11月17日 星期二
Lazy Artsy (1)
I gave this to my best friend J because I think the white-ness of these earrings suits her pure character so much. She is definitely the most adorable and genuine friend of mine!
I call these the "evening" version of the earrings for J because of the gold and bronze colours. They are still one of my fav and I wear them almost everyday!
My first pair of felt earrings. I like the colours and they remind me of the local stars in the affluent 80s entertainment industry! I can picture Anita Mui (one very famous diva in the 80s) wearing them singing "hung suin lid yim" (meaning "red lips").
2009年11月12日 星期四
Easy to Carry
I'm the grinding sesame master! See how serious I look! LOL!!!
She's definitely my best (and most evil) shopping buddy who kept persuading me to be consumerist. Luckily, she ended up finding me more persuasive when it comes to urging people to buy and she bought a lot more than I did!!!
(Random Top, Muji Cardigan, H&M Scarf and Belt, Zara Jeans, Philip Stein Watch)
2009年11月11日 星期三
I used to think that it's an X-rated movie (LOL). However, after watching it with my hubby today, I couldn't hold back my tears surprisingly.
I was also shocked by Lolita's (starred Dominique Swain) beauty in the film. She is real gorgeous!
I fell in love with her costumes in the movie, too! As the movie was set in the 1940s, the costumes were very vintage-looking, and I was surprised to see the Olsens' twins look-a-like circle-framed sunnies on Dominique!

Oh... and she was wearing the black and white oxford shoes too!
They remind me of my dear old school and the school anthem was stuck in my mind for almost the entire day! HAHAHA
2009年11月9日 星期一
i haven't really been studying recently though my exam is tomorrow. haha!
and i even have been shopping twice this week! love chaddie & westfield.
and the other day my darling bought me a pj set from Peteralexander for my birthday this thursday! whenever i went pass Peteralexander at chaddie i'll just walk in unconsciously.
I LOVE PETERALEXANDER!! i recommend all girls to have a visit to peteralexander's page to see the catalogue. but for guys...hmm..to be honest, i think peteralexander is made for women......only... *wink* as in...i personally don't really like the designs of the pj's for men. Peter should only focus his career on women. :P
anyway...and TODAY! today i went shopping with my mom at westfield. she bought me a top and a pair of shorts with white-dots prints, and also O.P.I. nail polish. i love the shorts in particular because it looks like a skirt but in fact it's a pair of shorts. and the "YOU DON'T KNOW JACQUES . matte." nail polish ive got is just FUN!!
mom keeps complaining about the ugliness of the nail polish on my fingers as the "finishing product", but i just think it looks like chocolate on my fingers!! how cute is that! hehehe.
actually i have more photos to show but they're all in my bf's laptop and i shall get them soon. ;)
and last..but not least....I CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK TO HONG KONG!! the melting hot weather in melbourne now is killing me...i can just sweat like hell by sitting in my car with the windows opened waiting for my lil brother to come out from the school building.
2009年11月8日 星期日
Lace on my back
Time to go to bed... working Monday again tomorrow... GEEZ!!